Management Development Program

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Management Internship

Internship opportunities are typically a 12-week program for actively enrolled college students. Internships are paid, with housing provided. A 12-week internship will provide exposure to flock service, molting programs, feeding programs, vaccination programs, house maintenance, pest control programs, record keeping, and supervision in the layer and/or pullet houses. Interns will gain processing exposure to grading, packing, warehousing, shipping, sanitation procedures, preventive maintenance, inventory control, procurement, and supervision in the processing plant.

Management Internship

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Management Internship

Management Apprenticeship

Those selected as apprentices for our 2-year program are full-time paid employees. During the course of the 2-year program, an apprentice will be exposed to flock service, molting programs, feeding programs, vaccination programs, house maintenance, pest control programs, record keeping, and supervision in the layer and/or pullet houses. Apprentices will gain processing exposure to grading, packing, warehousing, shipping, sanitation procedures, preventive maintenance, inventory control, procurement, and supervision in the processing plant.
Phase One - 9 Months Production
Phase Two - 9 Months Processing
Phase Three - 5 Months Pullets
Phase Four - 1 Month Administrative

Management Apprenticeship

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Management Apprenticeship

Management Trainee

In the Trainee position, which is a full-time position, the employee will gain experience across all areas of production including flock service, molting programs, feeding programs, vaccination programs, house maintenance, pest control programs, record keeping, and supervision in the layer and/or pullet houses. Trainees will also gain exposure in areas of processing including grading, packing, warehousing, shipping, sanitation procedures, preventive maintenance, inventory control, procurement, and supervision in the processing plant.

Management Trainee

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Management Trainee